Monday, November 28, 2005

Thanksgiving Update

Well I guess you could go to the family site to get the official update...

Here is the low down, mom and dad visited we had a great time and I think I am many pounds heavier due to the great food that my mom and Karrie both made during the visit! It was a shame that I worked the messed up hours that I did while they were here, however, I am glad I was able to spend as much time with them as I did, even if it is never enough time.

Thanks mom for all the leftovers in the fridge!^)

Monday, November 07, 2005

About hobbies....

For those of you who did not know I have a reef tank, I used to think this meant I have a saltwater fish tank. As I quickly found out there seems to be a major difference between the two, so with that in mind I have the better of the two from a coolness factor. However that also means that I have a lot more work to do keep this micro reef living.

It seems that hobbies are one of those things that you pick up to occupy your free time then you set it aside as you loose that free time. Well as I have learned you can not set a reef tank aside, it seems that just the littlest ignoring of the tank can cause all kinds of issues, in my case it is algae, well stupid hair algae, it is all over the tank and I swear if you sit and stare at the tank for half an hour you can see it grow. So with that it sends you off to the web to see if anyone knows how to fix it, so after several hours of looking you realize wow how can so many people have different ideas on how to fix what seems like a simple issue. At what point do I say I know how to fix it, if I clear that tank for a few hours am I an expert?

I guess what I am getting at is one of the most interesting parts about our hobbies is the fact that we seem to forget that one of the parts of a hobby is figuring out how to do it for your self. I also recommend that living animals do not make good hobbies but can be fun and rewarding obligations.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

So cute.....

We just received the pictures from Tracy and Ross of the kids in their Halloween costumes. Look the doctor is missing a tooth!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Gas Relief

I think I found the way to save some gas with recent gas prices. Posted by Picasa

Check out my clown fish..

Nemo is having a great time in the Zenia.

Well we have a site....

Well it is a great day I have been able to relax and finish a book that Josh gave me 2 years ago. Good book but most of you would probably not like it, itis of the fantasy genre, The Cleric Quintet by R.A. Salvatore.

I also was able to play with this google blogger software and I think it works so this post will be the test to see if it does.

Libby and odin keep on staring out the window hoping to catch site of the next victim of there barking, I think they are trying to tell me WALK ME!!!! So Iguess I will be off to walking them.....

More later..